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The Consummate 
Electromechanical Calculator Salesman

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The below photographs were taken from the April 1948 Vol. 5, No. 4 issue of Friden News, Special Edition

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Friden Calculators - 11 of 36.jpeg


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Friden Calculators - 4 of 36.jpeg



THE LAST REUNION OF THE FRIDENITES, Thursday September 15, 1991, from 11:15 am to 1:30 pm.
The below four photographs and event documentation were by kind courtesy of Fridenite Sam Bidkaram, shown lower right in the first photograph (a friend of Dr. Kavanau). Shown immediately below is one of the correspondences arranging the reunion. Sam worked on 

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Sam Bidkaram is shown, lower-right. Norman (Norm) Leal is at the far table, second from the right. 










Dinner List, mostly couples, that attended the dinner apparently the next day. 

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Lemon 1.jpg


Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Bristol, VA. - TENN.  DEC 1948

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Gathering of Fridenites. The gentleman wearing glasses (center-front) was a Friden metalurgist discussed later in this archive.

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