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MoTET is an Open-Archive Site Devoted to Research Into The Origins of Personal Computing
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The November 4-6, 1963 NEREM Conference is where the Mathatronics Mathatron was first publicly demonstrated. It's possible it was an informal showing because - so far - we have not located any inclusions in the contemporaneous NEREM literature.
November 3, 1963
The Boston Sunday Globe
Computers and Automation,
February/March 1964
This is the first known public press release for the Mathatronics Mathatron. It is dated February/March 24 1964.
NOTE: The November 1963 demonstration at the NEREM Conference, to the best of our knowledge, did not include a corresponding press release. So far,
we have found no mention of the device in any NEREM literature.
NOTE: The 3rd plate below (page 49) is strong evidence that this issue of Computers and Automation was physically released in February 1964, not March 1964. There is an item listed in the "calendar of coming events" for March 4-6, for example. This is standard practice for monthly journals in the United States, England and Australia because of the "extended" shelf-life at the news stands.

IEEE Show 1964: March 23-26
NOTE: Mathatronics was likely in attendance
(see March 28 and March 28 clippings below).

March 24, 1964
The Boston Globe
March 28, 1964
Wilmington Morning News
(Wilmington, Delaware)

March 29, 1964
Dayton Daily News
(Dayton Ohio)
March 29, 1964
Fort Lauderdale News
(Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
August 17, 1964
The Boston Globe
(Boston, MA.)
NOTE: This article indicates that the company was already significantly profitable by the 2nd quarter ending July 31, 1964 and has franchise distributorships in key cities. Aside from trade shows it is unclear how Mathatronics was advertising to achieve this benchmark with no ads so far surfacing for this time period. Until more data becomes available, The Museum of TrailingEdge Technology will use this date as a marker to very roughly estimate when the company started advertising.

September 27, 1964
Hobbs Daily News (Hobbs, New Mexico)
October 1, 1964
Mathatronics Price List
March 1965
(April 1965 Cover Date)
American Scientist
This is the first known sales ad for the Mathatron
The same ad appeared the May 1965 (June 1965 Cover Date) issue of American Scientist

July 22, 1965
The Boston Globe
(Boston, MA.)

August 1, 1965
The Boston Sunday Globe
(Boston, MA.)

September 9, 1965
The Boston Globe
(Boston, MA.)

September 1965
(October "cover date")
Civil Engineering Magazine

February or March 1966
Magazine is possibly "Electronics"
Source: Old Calculator Web Museum

April or May 1966
Currently unknown magazine
Source: Old Calculator Web Museum

May 23, 1966
The Messenger
(Madisonville, Ky.)

June or July 1966
Currently unknown magazine
Source: Old Calculator Web Museum

August or September 1966
Currently unknown magazine
Source: Takaharu Yoshida for the
Old Calculator Web Museum

December 1966 or January 1967
Currently unknown magazine
Source: Takaharu Yoshida for the
Old Calculator Web Museum

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