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The below quote is taken from the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia (link and reference below)


"Dr. Massimo Rinaldi was born in Rome on February 21, 1929 to Giulio and Alessandra Latini, descendant of an ancient family from Collalto Sabino (Rieti). Massimo graduated in 1953 in electrical engineering from the La Sapienza University of Rome. In 1955 he married Eliana d'Agata, with whom he had four children: Paolo, Claudia, Stefano and Fabio. After a short period as assistant to the chair of electrical measurements at the same university, he was hired at Hasler AG, then moving on to Selenia industrie elettronica associate S.p.A. 


In 1959 he founded Transimatic S.p.A. in Rome, starting the production of electronic calculators and accounting systems in a factory in Pomezia (Rome). The initial development of production was supported by loans granted by the Cassa del Mezzogiorno, but it soon became necessary to identify an industrial partner that would allow the consolidation of the position of the new company in a sector dominated nationally by large Italian companies such as Olivetti and by multinationals such as IBM. In 1963 he sold control of the Transimatic share to Edison, while remaining director of the company's Research and Development, which at the same time changed its company name to Industria Macchine Elettronica S.p.A. (IME).


It was with the IME brand that the electronic calculators designed by Rinaldi were marketed during the 1960s, including the revolutionary IME 84, presented in 1964 at the Milan Trade Fair (April 12 to 25), the first fully transistor calculator in the world. With the use of this technology, Rinaldi was able to obtain a fast, reliable and precise product: the IME 84 immediately met with good commercial success on export markets, in particular in Germany and the United States, where demand was more developed. of machines for scientific computing, while the high price prevented it from stealing significant shares of the national market from mechanical technology calculators. During the second half of the Sixties Rinaldi aimed to extend the product range, by designing a series of simpler and more affordable calculators with the IME 120, IME 121 and IME 122 models, which exploited new integrated circuit technology.

He left IME in 1969 to found, together with the Roman entrepreneur Franco Pesci, a new company, Industria Sistemi Elettronica spa (INSEL), specialized in the design and production of computers....He died in Rome on August 16, 2009."



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